Work / Life Balance Is The Most Important Thing To Employees 

How Can You Stand Out & Be A Top Choice?

Start Being Awesome
Why do so many people experience burnout or change roles so often?

In September 2021 we experienced the largest number of employees ever quitting their jobs. People are ready for more and better options.      

Hiring, onboarding and turnover are huge expenses... 

What if you could keep good employees for decades?

How is this all possible?

Would you believe that all of this is possible, and it only would reduce the amount of time you worked by 25%? That freedom and reenergizing time will surely improve your performance when you're on the job as well. We'd even wager to do that the worst people would have at most a 5-10% drop in productivity. The best people we believe could have no drop, and possibly even increase their performance. Our mission is to prove that to be true!    

The Math

Most jobs give people a measely 2 weeks off a year. We aim to change that to give people 1 more day off every week bu working 4 10 hour days. This is an easy change. Next, we aim to give people One More Week Off Every Month. That would be 12 weeks total. We then aim to give people One More Month Off Every Year! That's 4 weeks, but we will only add 11 since we don't need to count the 12th week off for our month off. That is 15 weeks. If you subtract the original 2 weeks, you have 13 weeks. That is exactly 25% of a year.

Employees and Employers

Reach out to find out more!


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